Learn About Doorway Pages

One member of our SEO team recently came across a slight issue with doorway pages.

The client had some doorway pages on their site and they wanted to know if they should be removed. We want webmasters to think about the deploying methods of other domains/pages and to make sure they don’t upset the search engines.

In the Google webmaster guidelines, there is detailed information about doorway pages, telling you what they are and what they do. Click here to view this: Doorway Pages

Doorway pages are usually poor-quality pages that are keyword-optimised. They then send the users to a single destination and this can frustrate the reader due to lack of readability and the search engines pick up on this. A piece of content that is so keyword-optimised that it doesn’t flow properly raises a red flag to Google and they believe you are in violation of their webmaster guidelines.

Our SEO advice? Don’t have poor-quality doorway pages if you want to increase your web presence in Google’s eyes. They will impact your rankings and although it might be a lengthy process to remove them, it’s probably the best idea.


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