Make Your Website Work – how to convert visitors into customers

Google has recently published a report that highlights 10 key website design and search engine optimisation (SEO) improvements to convert more visitors into customers.

Reassuringly, the report echoes many of the blogs, resources and news articles we’ve already covered here at The WebMarketing Group. Even more importantly there is nothing new to us in the report, evidence that we constantly keep our eye on the SEO radar and react to any breaking changes.   Google’s report opens with the fact that there are:-

  • 42mn shoppers online in the UK
  • There has been a 71% increase in e-commerce sales in the last 2 years
  • 50.1% of shoppers place items in their cart but don’t complete the sale

Summarised the report highlights the 10 best practices to improve visitor conversion:-

  1. Load the right page. Ensure that if you are using PPC advertising that any advert links through to the right page. If you are selling rivets make sure the advert leads to the rivets section and not the bolts section. Match where possible the ad title to your page title and make sure key sale information is visible immediately to include price, quantity and delivery options. Result: 20% reduction in bouncerates.
  2. Make your homepage useful. “Content is King” springs to mind, leave no questions unanswered, make navigation clear, consistently carry your brand through, make sure any promotions advertised through offline channels are also online and research the best page layout
  3. Make navigation a priority. Create product/category search facilities, make terms and condition prominent as well as delivery options and really break down your sales funnel using analytics to work out how people work through your site. Critically work out why they leave.
  4. Correct search results. People may know you company and brand and know specifically which product they want. If they can’t search and cut to the chase they will leave. Allow sorting and redefining of search results. Result: 20% reduction in exit rates.
  5. Group similar products. Also look to enable comparisons, evidence shows that people thoroughly research a product before committing to a purchase. Result: 6% increase in conversions.
  6. Provide all product details. Provide summarised and full product information… again leave no questions unanswered. Use good, clear pictures and make sure your call to action points are in place. Result: 5% increase in conversions.
  7. Simplify registration. Don’t alienate people by asking them to register, they want to make a purchase now, not 3 screens of registration later. Result: 23% decrease in checkout exits.
  8. Make buying and posting questions easy. If people want information make your site human, allow direct contact by phone if possible and ensure any forms are minimal. Result: 40% increase in conversions
  9. Make customers feel reassured. Make all delivery options, return options and terms & conditions clear and prominent. Offer a post purchase confirmation and clearly indicate what happens after delivery and include tracking if possible.
  10. Google’s last tip is a bit of a soft sale and points back to understanding Google Analytics, Google AdWords and Google Web Optimiser. All aspects we’ve got covered here at The WebMarketing Group.

The report is a good read and provides sound and clear advice.   What we are learning most from the report is that it is a clear shout for multivariate analysis M-VAP, something we have perfected here and works well with our clients who have experienced high traffic but poor conversion.


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